Campus Pastor's Office Worship Team


虽然我们最明显的服务是通过教堂的音乐领导, we also seek to build God's Kingdom through prayer, discipleship, and fellowship.

Our desire is to bring glory to God through our music, studies and relationships, 为了让耶稣的名字在校园里和其他地方出名.

Worship Team Information

韦斯特蒙特敬拜团队多年来录制了一系列现场专辑. 专辑销售的所有利润都用于支付运营成本,并为未来的专辑播种.

访问iTunes并搜索“韦斯特蒙特学院敬拜团队”以获得完整的专辑,或 click here. We are also on Spotify Pandora, and most streaming services.

我们希望这些专辑能给我们一个韦斯特蒙特敬拜ag娱乐官网的快照, and act as a reminder of God's faithfulness over the years.

Below are requirements for serving on the Worship Team. Please contact Eben Drost with any questions.

Orientation Week

整个敬拜团队必须在开学前一周参加为期一周的迎新活动. If you are a drummer on the Team, 你需要提前几天来参加鼓手培训.

请注意:如果您是其他组织(WCSA)的学生干部, Intercultural Programs, RA's, etc.), 你没有资格参加敬拜团队,因为那些组织的迎新会在同一个星期举行. 如果您想成为例外,请联系Eben Drost和 Angela D'Amour

Sound Check / Morning Rehearsal

试音/早排练于每个礼拜日的早上6:30至8:00在默奇森体育馆进行. 敬拜团队成员必须始终愉快地出席声音检查.*

*The Worship Team is made up of two bands. 每个乐队“值班”一周,然后“下班”一周. 你不必在你不当班的那一周来参加试音或周一晚上的练习.'

Monday Night Practice

Monday Night Practice will be held in Clark B Cottage. All worship team members* are expected to arrive on time. 在此期间,敬拜团队成员不得安排上课(或工作).

Vocal Rehearsal: Monday nights from 6:45pm to 7:55pm

Full Band Rehearsal: Monday nights from 8:00pm – 9:15pm

*see 'on duty' & 'off duty' note above. 你只需要在当班的那一周参加周一晚上的练习.'


所有敬拜团队成员都必须参加每月一次的聚会来祷告, worship and fellowship together. 这些会议通常会在校外举行,并且会持续整个晚上. Locations and times will change from month to month.

Year-Long Commitment Preferred

第一年在敬拜团队服事一整年(连续两个学期)者优先, although exceptions can be made. 在国外学习结束后,欢迎您重新加入团队,无需额外的选拔.

Practice Materials

Rehearsal materials in the form of audio recordings, 和弦图和导音表将分发给所有敬拜团队成员. All songs must be learned during the Summer before Orientation Week. Here are some details:

  • 声乐家负责记住你所有的部分,就像他们在录音中一样. 一旦你掌握了自己的角色,你就可以自由地进行修饰和创造.
  • 贝司手负责学习所有的低音线,所有的填充音等.
  • 鼓手被要求在夏季开始时购买节拍器和耳机. Drummers must be able to play all songs to a metronome.
  • 原声吉他手负责学习所有歌曲中的所有原声台词, utilizing capos, and fingerpicking if needed.
  • 电吉他手负责学习所有歌曲中的所有电音, 尽可能模仿原始录音的感觉和声音. Once you master your parts, you may embellish and create.
  • 打击乐演奏者将学习录音中出现的所有打击乐模式. If songs recordings don’t have percussion parts, it is your responsibility to come up with a simple, tasteful and appropriate part.
  • 键盘手必须能够弹钢琴,必须愿意探索其他合成器, pad, B3 and Rhodes sounds to create atmosphere, mood, etc. Familiarity with Mainstage is a plus.
  • All other instruments, please see Eben Drost for details.


如果你是敬拜团队的一员,你要期望在友谊中彼此接触. 我并不是要求你把敬拜团队作为你唯一的朋友,但团队应该是你最优先考虑的.


We believe that nothing good comes without prayer. No amount of planning, musical excellence, money, 没有上帝的祝福,人力和资源也做不到任何好事. 因此,我们作为一个团队会有固定的祷告时间.


Having fun is serious business! 既然我们要花很多时间工作,那么我们也会游手好闲是很自然的. Night games, movies, dinners, frisbee games, etc… these things are essential to keeping a good perspective. If you want to serve on this team, expect to have fun.

Musical Excellence

我希望敬拜团队在音乐上有很高的表现. 无论你是初学者还是经验丰富的音乐家,都将面临挑战和挑战.

Academic Excellence

I expect all members to be in good academic standing. If you cannot keep your grades up, 我可能会和你合作让你暂时辞去领导职务直到你解决问题.

Taking the High Road

As campus leaders, 我也希望所有成员避免任何不当行为, including (but not limited to) underage drinking, partying, sex outside the boundaries of biblical marriage, dishonesty, foul language, or anything else listed in the Westmont Community Life Statement.


Expect to serve! This ministry is best when done selflessly.


Busyness is an epidemic problem at Westmont! 在已经很充实的生活上再多参加校园活动可能会导致精神和身体上的疲劳.


Organizations like:

  • Vespers
  • Spring Sing
  • WSM
  • Potter’s Clay

…或任何其他课外活动必须排在敬拜团队之后. 如果练习有冲突,你有义务去敬拜团队练习. 如果聚会有冲突,你有义务去敬拜团队聚会. Why? I believe that committing to one 活动是保护自己免受过度劳累和疲劳的一种方式.

不要误解我的意思——我认为这些其他的活动/事工是很棒的事情! But I would rather have you choose one of these and do it with all your heart than suffer from ministry overload.

Please prayerfully consider these expectations. Can you make the commitment?

Tryouts are held in the Spring for the following year. 入选团队的学生将在第二年的秋季和春季学期服役.

一年级学生通常不允许成为敬拜团队的正式成员. 这条规则是为了让一年级的学生在进入领导层之前适应大学生活的严酷.

Contact Eben Drost about this year's tryout details.