我们的方法 我们对毕业生的期望

因为学院是为学生而存在的, a college’s vision must embrace those individuals it seeks to educate. 因此, to aspire to be a college of excellence is to aspire to produce people of excellence, and to believe in the value of a Christian liberal arts education is to believe in the value of that education for its students. It is to believe in the significant role such an education can play in transforming lives and putting people on a trajectory that will yield, 随着时间的推移, 某种类型的人, 博学的以广泛的有价值的知识为特征的, 有用的技能和积极的态度. Therefore, the hopes and aspirations of Westmont are hopes and aspirations for its graduates.

  1. Graduates should possess interpersonal competence that enables them to listen respectfully, 深思熟虑地提出问题, self-disclose适当, 诚实而敏感地给予反馈, 参与对话, 与团队合作, 并以宽容和欣赏差异为特征.
  2. 毕业生应该学会缓和僵化的信念, 对不同的解释持开放态度, 公正地权衡证据, 在一般情况下, 抱着自我批评的功能.
  3. Graduates should be possessed of core convictions and commitments for which they claim ownership, 他们可以深思熟虑地为之辩护吗, and to which they can be true in a world of competing m口服 and spiritual visions.
  4. Graduates of Westmont College should have a biblical and theological understanding and an appreciation of worship and spiritual formation that exceed what can be acquired at a secular university supplemented by campus Christian fellowships and active participation in a local church. They should have a vision of Christianity that is as large and developed as their disciplinary and professional sophistication.
  5. Graduates should be on their way to formulating a web of knowledge from all sources integrated around the Christian understanding of God.
  6. Graduates should be sensitive to the ever-present need for discernment in separating the core of the eternal gospel from the peculiar 文化 accretions of a particular time and place. They should be vigilant in seeking to determine when the gospel would call us to be agents of transformation in the world and in the church, 当它召唤我们成为保护者的时候.
  7. Graduates should possess the resources and skills necessary to handle tensions that arise between Christian faith and other seriously argued positions, 自信而又自我批判地生活, 在一个意识形态竞争的世界里. Their skills would include the ability to use scripture responsibly and intelligently.
  8. 毕业生应该具有公正的性格, 对新思想持开放态度, 愿意让自己的想法接受批评, and an appreciation of both the value and limitations of formal reasoning, a suspicion of manipulative rhetoric as a substitute for cogent argumentation, patience in staying with a difficult Search for truth when it requires protracted reasoning and effort. 这些都是智力上的美德, 但它们也是基督教的美德, and our graduates should see how they are grounded in the Christian vision of human existence.
  9. Graduates should be so educated that they will bear a cultured and literate witness for the gospel, 但没有傲慢或优越感. 因此, they will fill the need for educated individuals who can bear witness to the gospel by actively yet graciously carrying the righteousness and justice of God and the message of reconciliation into the larger community.
  10. Graduates should be knowledgeable about the world in which God has placed them because appropriate m口服 action requires full and accurate information in addition to sound m口服 principles. Otherwise, ignorance will frustrate even our best efforts to do the right thing.
  11. Graduates should be individuals who are characterized by broad and expansive sympathies. 他们的关注应该延伸到精神上的迷失, 给无家可归和饥饿的人, 对那些遭受种族和性别偏见的人, 破坏我们的生物, 文化, 以及社会政治环境, 等.
  12. Graduates should evidence the habit of integrating their knowledge and sensitivities into real-life decisions that embody a willingness to relinquish power, 声望, 安全, 个人满足感, a willingness based on a growing faith in the providence and call of Christ in their lives.
  13. 毕业生应该能够在历史中定位自己. They should understand the pivotal transition from a modern to a post-modern vision of the world that many see occurring at the present time, and understand the implications of this for an articulation and defense of the Christian faith.
  14. Graduates should be equipped with the tools to continue learning throughout their lives, both because learning can become a source of lifelong satisfaction and because of the ever-changing nature of our world.
  15. 毕业生应该以读书为特点, 娱乐, 娱乐/休闲, 消费者的选择反映了一种惊奇感, 高兴的是, and appreciation of the marvels of the natural world and the treasures of human culture. They should understand the meaning of high pleasure that simultaneously humbles and elevates the enjoyer.
  16. Graduates should be developing a sense of Christian vocation that will inform career goals, 婚姻的选择, 以及其他重要的生活方式决定, 这是基于对自己天赋的认可, 他们对世界的理解以及世界所面临的困境, and on their convictions about the values of the gospel and the present agenda of God in the world.
  17. 毕业生应该有这些写作, 口服, 以及职业成功所必需的思考能力, along with the ability to work cooperatively and effectively with others in both leadership and subordinate roles.
  18. 毕业生应该具备这些技能, 成为公民社会有效参与者的知识和动力, 他们ag娱乐官网的慈善和文化生活.

Recognizing that there is a wide variety of ways in which a Christian liberal arts education can be legitimately appropriated in an individual life, 学院应该据此期待, 适应, and even encourage a range of intellectual and spiritual styles among its graduates. 事实上, while we hope that Westmont alumni will exhibit a common nonconformity with life-abusing patterns of culture, we hope too that the alternatives they embrace will defy collective stereotyping or social, 政治, 以及精神/教派的可预测性.